Community Property

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Division of Louisiana Community Property in Divorce

Louisiana is a community property law state. Absent an agreement between the parties such as a pre-nuptial agreement or post-nuptial agreement, all assets and liabilities acquired from the date of marriage until the date that the petition for divorce is filed is presumed to be community property. However, there are exceptions. One exception, for example, is an asset that was received by a spouse as a gift or inheritance during the marriage is presumed to be the separate property of the spouse who received the gift or inheritance. In addition, any assets or liabilities obtained by a spouse before the marriage are that spouse’s separate property. A spouse’s separate property is generally not subject to division by a court in a divorce proceeding.

Community property cases can often become more complicated than what is described above. Our firm handles community property cases with care and with an innate desire to pay attention to detail. No one should go through this litigation alone, and Lafayette Attorney Josh Guillory and his staff are ready to fight for your right to an efficient and fair dissolution of your community property regime.

Lafayette Family Law Attorney Who Understands the Community Property Laws in Louisiana

If you are a party to a divorce proceeding, you may be uncertain how to protect your rights under the Louisiana’s community property laws and how the courts may divide property in a Louisiana divorce. You may have brought significant assets into the marriage or have acquired substantial wealth through gifts or inheritance during your marriage. You want to make certain that your ex-spouse does not unfairly take property that is rightfully yours. You need an experienced and aggressive Lafayette divorce attorney to protect your rights.

Contact our office today at (337) 233-1303 or click here to arrange a consultation to discuss the issue of community property and other family law matters.

Questions About Community Property

In addition to handling family law matters, Attorney Joshua S. Guillory is prepared to help individuals with a wide range of legal matters, such as criminal defense, estate planning to include wills and trusts, business law, and personal injury. Do not hesitate to contact The Law Office of Joshua S. Guillory, LLC at (337) 233-1303 or click here to send a message to our firm.
